NSF Biological Anthropology Program Changes

Paleoanthropology Society 02 Gen 2017

The Biological Anthropology Program is returning to a six-month interval between competitions for both regular research (Senior) and doctoral dissertation research improvement grants (DDRIG).

For the DDRIG competition, this change is effective immediately, in conjunction with the publication of a revised solicitation (17-506). The next DDRIG target dates will be January 20, 2017, and July 20, 2017, and future dates will be January and July 20th of each year.


For the Senior competition (which has a program description but not a solicitation), this change will be effective AFTER the November 16, 2016 and July 19, 2017 target dates. The subsequent target dates will be January and July 20 (or next business day) of each year.


Other DDRIG Changes - please refer to the revised DDRIG solicitation (17-506) regarding the following changes:


Target dates instead of deadlines

Revised target dates (as noted above)

Two-time submission limit per student


Other aspects of the Senior and DDRIG competitions, including the program scope, merit review procedures and proposal requirements, remain the same.


Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 01 Febbraio 2017 10:45
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